The Rise of Premium Video on Demand: How Hollywood is Adapting to the Changing Landscape

The rise of premium video on demand is changing the way Hollywood approaches film distribution. With the decline of home video sales, studios are looking for new ways to monetize their films. PVOD provides a new revenue stream, but it also changes the way studios approach film production and distribution.
The Rise of Premium Video on Demand: How Hollywood is Adapting to the Changing Landscape
Photo by Jen P. on Unsplash

The Rise of Premium Video on Demand: How Hollywood is Adapting to the Changing Landscape

The film industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the rise of streaming services and the decline of traditional home video sales. This shift has led to a new era of premium video on demand (PVOD), where movies are released directly to streaming platforms after a brief theatrical run. In this article, we’ll explore the impact of PVOD on the film industry and how Hollywood is adapting to this new landscape.

The Decline of Home Video Sales

In the 1990s, home video sales were a significant contributor to a film’s overall revenue. However, with the rise of streaming services, this revenue stream has declined dramatically. According to Matt Damon, the decline of home video sales has put more pressure on immediate box office totals to make a difference for films. This shift has led to a greater emphasis on blockbuster movies that can perform well at the box office, rather than smaller, more niche films.

The Rise of Premium Video on Demand

PVOD has emerged as a new revenue stream for the film industry. With PVOD, movies are released directly to streaming platforms after a brief theatrical run. This model allows studios to capitalize on the popularity of a film while it’s still fresh in the minds of audiences. According to Casey Affleck, the fact that a film like The Instigators is so readily available on streaming for a global audience is in and of itself a victory.

The Impact on Hollywood

The rise of PVOD has significant implications for Hollywood. With the decline of home video sales, studios are looking for new ways to monetize their films. PVOD provides a new revenue stream, but it also changes the way studios approach film production and distribution. According to Matt Damon, there isn’t enough data yet on PVOD sales to see if they’re a real boost to making more adult-driven projects.

The Future of Film Distribution

As the film industry continues to evolve, it’s likely that PVOD will play a larger role in film distribution. With the rise of streaming services, audiences are increasingly expecting to be able to access movies on demand. PVOD provides a way for studios to meet this demand while also generating revenue. However, it’s unclear how this will impact the traditional theatrical model, where movies are released to theaters for an extended period before being made available on home video.


The rise of premium video on demand is a significant shift in the film industry. As studios adapt to this new landscape, it’s likely that we’ll see changes in the way films are produced, distributed, and marketed. While there are still many unknowns about the impact of PVOD, it’s clear that it’s an important revenue stream for the film industry.

The rise of premium video on demand is changing the way Hollywood approaches film distribution.

The future of film distribution is uncertain, but one thing is clear: PVOD is here to stay.

The decline of home video sales has put more pressure on immediate box office totals to make a difference for films.

The rise of streaming services has led to a decline in traditional home video sales.

The film industry is adapting to the changing landscape, with a greater emphasis on blockbuster movies.

The rise of PVOD has significant implications for Hollywood, with a new revenue stream and changes in film production and distribution.