The Queen's Scathing Trump Takedown: What We Can Learn from Her 'Rude' Remark

Queen Elizabeth II's private thoughts on Donald Trump have been revealed in a new biography – and they're not pretty. From his 'very rude' behavior to her speculation about his marriage to Melania, it's clear that the queen was not a fan.
The Queen's Scathing Trump Takedown: What We Can Learn from Her 'Rude' Remark
Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

The Queen’s Trump Takedown

It’s no secret that Queen Elizabeth II was a master of discretion, but it seems that even she couldn’t resist sharing her true feelings about one of the most divisive figures in modern politics: Donald Trump. According to a new biography of the late queen, she believed Trump to be “very rude” and speculated that he must have had some sort of arrangement with his wife, Melania.

Trump’s infamous visit to Windsor Castle in 2018

I can remember watching Trump’s state visit to the UK in 2019 and being struck by how uncomfortable the whole ordeal seemed. From Trump’s apparent failure to understand the complexities of royal protocol to his boastful claims about the queen’s supposed enthusiasm for his company, the whole thing felt like a disaster waiting to happen.

But it seems that Trump’s antics didn’t just grate on the British public – the queen herself was less than impressed. According to the biography, she particularly disliked Trump’s habit of looking over her shoulder during their conversations, as if searching for someone more interesting to talk to.

Trump’s distracting habit during royal visits

I can almost picture the scene – Trump, mid-conversation with the queen, his eyes darting around the room in search of a more fascinating conversation partner. It’s the kind of cringe-worthy moment that’s hard to forget, and it’s clear that the queen was just as unimpressed as the rest of us.

The queen believed President Trump ‘must have some sort of arrangement’ with his wife Melania, or else why would she have remained married to him?

This was just one of many fascinating insights into the queen’s inner life that were revealed in the biography. But it’s this particular anecdote that really stands out – not just because of its sheer audacity, but because it speaks to a deeper truth about Trump’s character.

Melania Trump, the former First Lady

The fact that the queen would even speculate about the nature of Trump’s marriage is a testament to just how little he is able to inspire trust or confidence in those around him. It’s a theme that runs throughout his presidency, from his inflammatory tweets to his chaotic decision-making – a sense that he is fundamentally untrustworthy, and that those around him are simply trying to navigate the fallout.

And yet, despite all this, Trump still manages to maintain a cult-like following among certain sections of the population. It’s a phenomenon that continues to puzzle and fascinate in equal measure, and one that raises serious questions about the state of American democracy.

Trump’s dedicated fanbase

For my part, I’m just grateful that the queen had the sense to see Trump for what he is – a boorish, self-serving politician with no interest in the welfare of anyone but himself. It’s a refreshing change from the usual diplomatic niceties that surround such high-profile meetings, and a reminder that even the most senior figures are not immune to the occasional bout of forthrightness.

As for Trump, it’s business as usual – tweeting angrily, making outlandish claims, and generally causing chaos wherever he goes. It’s a tired old routine, and one that’s starting to wear thin even among his most loyal supporters.

Trump’s infamous Twitter feed

But for the rest of us, it’s a reminder that even in the most unlikely of places, there’s always someone willing to tell it like it is – even if that someone is a monarch.