Juri Tanaka: The Quietly Ambitious Heart of SixTONES

Get an exclusive look into the life of Juri Tanaka, the quietly ambitious heart of rock-pop group SixTONES. From his experiences in ACMA:GAME to his passions for music and manga, Tanaka opens up about his ambitions and dreams.
Juri Tanaka: The Quietly Ambitious Heart of SixTONES
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Juri Tanaka: The Quietly Ambitious Heart of SixTONES

Exclusive Interview

In celebration of Juri Tanaka’s 29th birthday, we’re sharing an exclusive interview with the talented rapper, singer, and dancer of rock-pop group SixTONES. Tanaka opens up about his experiences, ambitions, and passions, giving us a glimpse into the life of this quietly ambitious performer.

Learning from Experience

In the fantasy drama ACMA:GAME, Tanaka’s character, Ui Saito, is quietly ambitious, a trait that resonates with the performer himself. When asked about his similarities with his character, Tanaka shared, “We share the similar characteristic of a quietly ambitious person. In fact, it’s not just me – it’s all of us. Those who’ve only seen us in concert or on YouTube might not realize that we’re pretty chill. We don’t want to simply talk big about grand ambitions and dreams but rather show them through quiet, determined actions and real results.”

Acting with Imagination

Tanaka credits his co-stars in ACMA:GAME, Shotaro Mamiya and Kotone Furukawa, with teaching him the importance of creative spontaneity when acting alongside CG. “The main thing I learned during ACMA:GAME was how to act alongside CG. For multiple scenes, we had to use the power of imagination, groping our way through it. Both Mamiya-san and Furukawa-san helped me hone a sense of creative spontaneity to make the story really come to life before special effects were added.”

Manga and Anime Inspirations

Tanaka is an avid manga fan and has a deep appreciation for the art form. When asked about his favorite manga or anime, he shared, “I love manga. Picking up new issues of longtime favorites and trying out new ones that catch my eye is a big chunk of my monthly spend. So, it’s difficult to narrow it down to just one title I’d most like to see adapted, let alone one I’d want to be in.”

SixTONES: A Group of Multi-Talented Individuals

As a member of SixTONES, Tanaka is proud of the group’s ability to create music and performances that showcase their unique energy. “The six of us love to keep busy. We act in plays, model in magazines, and have fun on variety/talk shows, but the most important thing for us is to perform as a group. That’s what I’d consider our prime directive.”

A Leader in the Making

Tanaka’s role within SixTONES is multifaceted. As the group’s rapper, he’s responsible for crafting lyrics that resonate with fans. Behind the scenes, he takes on a producer role, helping to forge connections between the group and their team. “I would like to think I have a few different roles in the group. Musically, I’m in charge of the rap sections. During live shows, we typically have a chance to speak to the fans, so I try to keep everyone on point so our managers don’t get mad.”

A Solo Venture

Tanaka’s solo song, “Sorry,” showcases his ability to craft meaningful lyrics and melodies. “I wanted ‘Sorry’ to have a meaningful story – where the same lyric is repeated but with a different meaning depending on its placement in the song.”

Exclusive Interview

The Future of SixTONES

As SixTONES continues to grow and evolve, Tanaka’s ambitions for the group are clear. “I think we’re always thinking about how to make a track better or level up a live performance, even if only incrementally. When we release music or tour, we want to be proud of the work and ensure our fans are proud to support us.”

A Dream Venue

Tanaka’s fantasy venue is Sphere in Las Vegas, where he hopes to perform with SixTONES one day. “I’ve seen footage of the U2 concert, and we talked about how cool it would be to perform a live concert there.”

Exclusive Interview

The Ambitious Heart of SixTONES

Juri Tanaka’s exclusive interview offers a glimpse into the life of a quietly ambitious performer. With his passion for music, acting, and manga, Tanaka is a true Renaissance man. As SixTONES continues to grow and evolve, one thing is certain – Tanaka’s ambition will drive the group to new heights.