Elon Musk's X Platform Fails to Impress in Interview with Donald Trump

Elon Musk's recent interview on X with Donald Trump was marred by technical difficulties, but Brian Tyler Cohen praised Musk's consistent approach to interviews.
Elon Musk's X Platform Fails to Impress in Interview with Donald Trump

Elon Musk’s latest venture, X, has been making waves in the tech industry. However, a recent interview with Donald Trump has left many questioning the platform’s ability to host meaningful conversations.

In a recent episode of Inside with Jen Psaki, Brian Tyler Cohen discussed the glitchy start to Elon Musk’s interview on X with Donald Trump. Cohen noted that despite the technical issues, Musk’s consistent approach to interviews is commendable. ‘!At least he’s consistent’: Brian Tyler Cohen on Elon Musk’s failed X interview with Donald Trump’

Brain Tyler Cohen

The interview, which was intended to be a groundbreaking conversation between two influential figures, was marred by technical difficulties. Musk’s platform, X, has been touted as a revolutionary new way to host conversations, but this recent mishap has left many wondering if it’s ready for prime time.

Despite the setbacks, Cohen praised Musk’s consistent approach to interviews. He noted that Musk’s ability to think on his feet and adapt to unexpected situations is a valuable asset in the world of tech.

Elon Musk

However, the interview also highlighted the need for X to improve its technical capabilities. As the platform continues to grow and host more high-profile conversations, it will be essential to iron out any technical issues that may arise.

In conclusion, while Elon Musk’s interview on X with Donald Trump may not have gone as smoothly as planned, it did showcase Musk’s consistent approach to interviews. As X continues to evolve and improve, it will be exciting to see how it handles future conversations.

Related tags: Elon Musk, X, Donald Trump, Brian Tyler Cohen, Inside with Jen Psaki